Thursday, July 30, 2009

love, angel, music, baby (and gwen)

i got these last year for christmas and thought they were so cute! they're little solid versions of gwen stefani's Harajuku Lovers Fragrance. i finally decided i needed to start wearing them and i'm really loving angel (the one with the headband) and music (the one with the two buns in her hair).

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


New Chanel ads featuring Lily Allen a la Holly Golighty. Love it!

excellent answer.

Reporter: You can be a little arrogant.

Ryan Adams:
Well, I wasn't arrogant in the beginning; I was naive. I didn't know to not speak about my music like I totally believed in it. But what's wrong with being a little provocative and a little arrogant? The Ghostbusters were like that. What did Bill Murray's character say about capturing the green ghost? "We came, we saw, we kicked its ass."

Ryan Adams is rad.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

there are no words

why do you let me stay here...

why do you let me stay here, all by myself?
why don’t you come and play here? i’m just sitting on the shelf

why don’t you sit right down and stay a while? we like the same things and i like your style
it’s not a secret, why do you keep it? i’m just sitting on the shelf

i gotta get you presents, let’s make it known

i think you’re just so pleasant, i would like you for my own
why don’t you sit right down and make me smile? you make me feel like i am just a child

why do you edit? just give me credit

i’m just sitting on the shelf

(picture found here)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

alice in wonderland trailer!

cannot wait for this!!!

twitter humor

this site is awesome-

sometimes you need a reminder...

There is nothing to worry about.

Pep talk: Chill out. This is no big deal. In the big picture you have very few problems. This is nothing! Barely a speed bump! Forget it. You're gorgeous and you've already got so much of what you want and you just keep getting smarter everyday. You're amazing. This is a non issue.

Today remind yourself: There is nothing to worry about.

(found here)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

pandora radio

this has to be one of the greatest things on the interwebs. love, love, love it. i've created quite an excellent station for myself. some awesome selections from today:

1. magick- ryan adams

2. she's like the wind- patrick swayze (awesome.)

3. faith- george michael

3. i won't back down- tom petty

4. rainy day- coldplay

5. nice dream- radiohead

super fan!

this is so cute and funny! and makes me really like Daniel Radcliffe- he was a very good sport.

p.s. i might act like this if i ever met ryan adams

(found here)

Monday, July 20, 2009

public enemies

i had a feeling this would be a good movie- with johnny depp AND christian bale how could it not be good?! although i had major issues with the people sitting around me. the man sitting behind me was coughing like he was going hack up a lung- lovely. the couple beside me rolled in during the previews and had to sit right beside me. this usually doesn't really bother me all that much but this guy was acting like he was in his living room and proceeded to sprawl out in his chair took up both arm rest and keep talking and laughing way too loud. so i decided i needed to move but it was crowded in the theater which meant i had to sit on the second row. this explains why my neck hurts today...

but the movie was still good and the clothes were amazing! i'm rarely impressed with men's clothing but whoever the costume designer was they did an amazing job. the suits, the hats, the sunglasses were fabulous. maybe i noticed them more because i was sitting so, so close to the screen.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Text Etiquette

2. The Texting Cult: There is always at least one point in the night — a lull in the conversation, a pause between thoughts — when it gets really quiet, and you look around and realize that all your friends are busy texting. One person pulls out her iPhone while everyone else is looking at the dinner bill, and then someone else starts doing it, and before you know it, you're in the middle of the sacred circle of text. Resist the urge to choose some random person in your contacts to send a useless message to. Instead, pull out your phone and send a text to everyone at the table asking, "Should we order another drink?" It will make everyone laugh but also point out the silliness of the situation.
Excellent little article on text etiquette. Every accurate. I know someone who does each of these. Matty, you're #9.
It annoys me to no end when people whip out their phones during dinner (or wherever) and start texting or checking email. Rude, rude, rude. Not that I haven't done it before but I try really hard not to...since I hate it so much.

oh tennenbaums!

seeing as i am in love with all things Royal Tennenbaum related, this blog- Tennenbaum Fail- is pretty rad. love seeing how other people dress up as them. the picture above looks pretty good to me.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Nothing is on my horizon, except everything. Everything is on the horizon."
— Dwight K. Schrute
(found here)

Monday, July 13, 2009

viva las vegas

oh vegas...i'm both excited and stressed about visiting you. stressed= buying plane tix and all other expenses. excited= everything else.

the world is full of zanies and fools...

showtunes make me feel better.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

loves it.

"Can you write about Team Evil?" she asks. Team Evil, she explains,
consists of Chung and her closest female friends, including the Los Angeles band the Like, the model Valentine Fillol-Cordier and Kelly Osbourne.
They're like the hottest collection of girls ever!" she declares.

And they're evil.We're having some Team Evil Awards, awarded for how many hearts you've broken in the year...We made T-shirts," she rattles on, and they've got Lolita sunglasses with Team Evil written on them - you have to be obsessed with Nabokov to be in Team Evil." - Alexa Chung

(found here)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

alexa chung

kinda of feel like she's the coolest girl ever. love her!